Local Government Climate Change Adaptation Toolkit

Posted on: 3/21/2010 - Updated on: 2/27/2020

Posted by

Jennie Hoffman


This comprehensive manual provides a conceptual framework for adaptation and step-by-step instructions for 14 tools geared towards different stages of adaptation planning.

The Cities for Climate Protection (CCP) Adaptation Initiative in Australia has focused on planning for the impacts of climate change by developing local councils’ capacities to apply a risk management process. The objective of the CCP Adaptation Initiative in its first year was to examine internal processes that these councils rely upon to make decisions related to complex data used in climate change projections and scenarios. The result of the first year’s work by the initiative is this toolkit.

The tools and exercises in this toolkit were tested by five pilot councils, and are designed to help local governments navigate through an enhanced risk management process, or adaptive management process. This guidebook helps councils identify aspects of their internal decision-making processes that need to be enhanced to appropriately and routinely plan for the impacts of climate change. This guide also outlines ways to generate and implement a plan to manage the risks and benefit from the opportunities identified as priorities for local municipalities.

The tools range from simple and self-directed templates to more complex exercises that are best delivered by an experienced facilitator, whether within or external to council.


The guide is useful for communities internationally.

Managing Organizations

ICLEI–Local Governments for Sustainability is the leading nonprofit membership association devoted to local governments engaged in sustainability, climate protection, and clean energy initiatives.  In the United States, ICLEI USA is the recognized leader in its field, creating cutting-edge tools and establishing national standards.


Scale of Tool
Sector Addressed