Low Impact Development (LID) Atlas

Amy Scaroni

Carolina Clear

Associate Coordinator

[email protected]

Posted on: 7/31/2017 - Updated on: 2/27/2020

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The atlas serves as an information sharing tool for communities and organizations interested in implementing low-impact development projects and addressing stormwater and growth-related issues that impact water quality. The tool allows user to enter data regarding existing low-impact development projects. These projects are displayed on a regional map that shows existing projects and provides information about the project type (e.g., swale/bioswale, permeable pavement, water conservation), location, land use type, construction date, and links to additional information about the project. Although this atlas is focused on South Carolina, it contains project information for various states.

Example in use: The Oak Terrace Preserve Project is a sustainable, green redevelopment effort in the City of North Charleston, South Carolina, featuring bioswales, rain gardens, permeable pavers, pocket parks, stormwater wetlands, and a tree preservation program that has retained 600+ trees on site. This project is one of several examples available on the LID Atlas.

Phase of Adaptation: Awareness, sharing


Land managers, natural resource managers, planners, community members

Managing Organizations

Clemson Extension's Carolina Clear program partners with over 38 communities in South Carolina to provide stormwater education, outreach, and public involvement opportunities. Our team of Water Resources Extension Agents are located in the regions they serve, allowing them to best understand the educational needs of their communities. We strive to protect water resources and encourage pollution prevention by providing quality programs that raise awareness of stormwater issues, and promote actions and behaviors that ultimately protect our water resources.