Tribal Climate Tool for Pacific Northwest and Great Basin Tribes

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Rachel GreggOverview
This tool is designed to help tribes in the Pacific Northwest and Great Basin, U.S.A, understand how the climate is expected to change in places that they care about. It provides maps, graphs, tables and descriptions of projected changes. The dynamic mapping interface uses the best available science from climate projections and provides a straightforward way for tribes to visualize and understand local climate projections.
The areas of interest (e.g., ceded areas, watersheds) included in this tool reflect results of outreach to Northwest and Great Basin tribes, as well as tribally-relevant areas in the public domain (e.g., reservations). These areas are shown for educational purposes only and are not intended to be legally binding. If there is an area of interest for your tribe that you would like removed, revised, or added to the tool, please contact us at [email protected].
The tool works best when viewed in Chrome.
This tool was created with funding from the Northwest Climate Science Center and the Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative.