Tribal Resilience Action Database

Posted on: 7/24/2024 - Updated on: 7/24/2024

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The Tribal Resilience Action Database project features over 5,200 resilience actions and climate resilience plans from 65 Tribes, Alaska Native Villages, and Tribal Consortiums.

It brings together a group of project partners and advisors representing more than two dozen Tribes across North America to create a culturally sensitive, easily accessible, and useful database of climate adaptation strategies and community examples already published by Tribes that can be used to inform ongoing and new climate adaptation and resilience work in Tribal communities. 

Users can search by keyword for Tribal plans and actions, or use the filters for Tribal Assets, Climate Hazards, Action Type, Region, and Tribal Nation, Organization, or Indigenous Community to find the information to help address key concerns and build resilience.

The team was led by the Upper Snake River Tribes (USRT) Foundation and included the Upper Columbia United Tribes (UCUT) and Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC). These three consortiums represent 15 Tribes in the Pacific Northwest Region and guided the overall project development process.

Managing Organizations

Upper Snake River Tribes, Columbia River Intertribal Fish Commission, Upper Columbia United Tribes, Adaptation International, and Valice

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