Urban Adaptation Assessment (UAA)

Posted on: 3/01/2024 - Updated on: 3/01/2024

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The Urban Adaptation Assessment (UAA) is an interactive database funded by the Kresge Foundation and led by the Notre Dame Global Adaptation Initiative (ND-GAIN) that collates a rich dataset within a visual platform to give leaders the data they need to make decisions on how best to adapt and prepare.

Encompassing data from over 270 cities within the United States, including all 50 states and Puerto Rico, whose populations are above 100,000, the UAA allows users to explore the connection between vulnerabilities to climate disasters, adaptive capacities, and how these are distributed within a city. Their easy-to-use tool gives users metrics to see a city’s risk and readiness and enables users to download extensive datasets and examine which neighborhoods to focus their efforts.

To begin, just type in a city and explore the database:

  1. View projections of the economic cost and probability of climate hazards in 2040.
  2. Visualize where climate risks and vulnerable populations overlay at the census tract level.

Learn how to use this tool:

Managing Organizations

There’s a growing, global movement to make human communities and ecosystems more resilient to climate extreme impacts. For the Notre Dame Global Adaptation Initiative (ND-GAIN), it’s a movement rooted in the power of data, grounded in science-based evidence and driven by a mission of “Science Serving Society.” 

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