Water Conservation Tracking Tool

Posted on: 8/01/2017 - Updated on: 2/27/2020

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The Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE) Water Conservation Tracking Tool is a program that allows water utilities to analyze various water conservation strategies and design conservation programs to maximize water savings and benefits while minimizing costs. The tool operates through Microsoft Excel and integrates real data from individual water utilities, allowing personalized and standardized analyses of water savings, costs, and benefits in two different units (i.e., English and metric). Water utility managers can design custom water conservation programs by selecting (up to 50) described and integrated conservation strategies. Further, the tool allows for both comparative planning exercises and real-time monitoring of water use, cost, and benefit changes after the implementation of conservation strategies. The AWE Water Conservation Tracking Tool is free for AWE members, and comes in three versions depending on the plumbing code and appliance standards of a user’s state. Current versions include California/Texas, Georgia, and the Standard Edition (includes all states except CA, TX, and GA). Users also receive a detailed User Guide and one free hour of technical support from AWE staff.

Phase of Adaptation: Assessment, Planning, Monitoring


Water utility managers

Managing Organizations

The Alliance for Water Efficiency is a stakeholder-based nonprofit organization dedicated to the efficient and sustainable use of water. Headquartered in Chicago, the Alliance serves as a North American advocate for water efficient products and programs, and provides information and assistance on water conservation efforts. A diverse Board of Directors governs the organization and has adopted a set of guiding principles and strategic plan.